Elias Pentikis


Kavala, Greece

  • Aktiva bilder:2

    Försäljningar totalt:0

  • Exponering av portfölj:0%


  • Köp per bild:0.00


  • Upplagt per månad:0.02

Gick med: August 31, 2014


I am an amateur photographer based in Kavala - Greece, one of the most beautiful cities of Macedonia. I started photography in 2012 when I bought my first DSLR , a Pentax K-r in June 2012 and since then my love for landscape photography and capturing or creating extra ordinary sceneries has led me to a continual study of light and the means to bring the results I so much anticipate from the ideas that come up in my mind when I attend the nature's phenomena. Please visit and check also my work on http://500px.com/elpen44
landscapes, cityscapes

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